Saturday, January 15, 2011

'Captain America' first look: Chris Evans in his full costume


As you may have see via some blurry, scanned photos today on the blogosphere, this week’s issue of Entertainment Weekly includes an exclusive first look at Chris Evans in his full Captain America suit in this summer’s Captain America: The First Avenger. Well, here’s the real, clean, clear, and expanded photo. If it looks strikingly different than the classic Captain America get-up — bold colors, flimsy material, a mask with weird little wings — that’s definitely by design. “You can’t really take him seriously in his flag pajamas,” director Joe Johnston told EW in last year’s exclusive first look cover story on the film. So instead, the hero’s main uniform was designed to resemble a tricked-out airman’s jumpsuit, the “A” on the helmet and star on the chest modest in size, the colors muted. It took Evans about 25 minutes to suit up. “He likes to do it all by himself,” explained costume designer Anna Sheppard. “I think it helps him feel like a super hero.” The film hits theaters July 22


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