Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Witch’ steed makes co-star uneasy rider

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The star of “Hellboy” found his own purgatory. It turns outRon Perlman isn’t a fan of his co-star from the new film “Season of the Witch.” He’s dissing not Nicolas Cage, but the four-legged creature he rides through the Crusades.
“Let’s just say that the horse was not real fond of fire,” Perlman says. “And we were on fire a lot during this movie.”
The man who played the Beast on TV’s “Beauty and the Beast” admits, “It was the first time ever a horse reared up on me. I’m not an expert rider or someone who even knows what to do with horses. It became a question of: Will I bail or hang on for my life? Since the horse had more movie credits than I did, I decided to hang on.”
Perlman stars with Cage in “Witch,” which is about 14th century knights who must transport a suspected witch to a monastery. “It’s a buddy movie with me and Nick. For long stretches it’s just us,” says Perlman. “We’re the opposite sides of the coin in this film. I let him do all the thinking for both of us and I’m there for the action, the booze and the broads.”
Soon, he returns to his day job on the FX series “Sons of Anarchy.” As for another “Hellboy,” he says, “I haven’t heard any rumblings about another one, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we did one.


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